Monday, November 16, 2009

hacking a s60 v3/v5 phone

Hacking your phone, it seems dangerous but actually its nothing but just making your phone download unsigned applications or make it show hidden files/folders
It won't harm your phone at all (i.e. if you perform it correctly)

In this post i'll help you hack your s60 v3/v5 phone with is a list of compatible phones:

Nokia: 3250 XM 5320 XM 5500 5700XM 6110Nav 6120c 6120s 6122c 6210Nav 6220Nav 6650F 6124 6290 E50 E51 E60 E61 E61i E62 E63 E65 E66 E70 E71 E90 N71 N73 N75 N76 N77 N78 N79 N80 N81 N82 N85 N86 N91 N92 N93 N93i N95 N96 5800xm n97

Samsung: I458 I450 I408 I400 I520 I550 I558 I560 I586 i7110 I8510 G818E G810 L780 L788 L878E innov8

Sony ericsson: G702 M608c P1c P1i P5i P990 W950 W958c W960 G900

IUQ: Z8 Z10

first of all,download the following(and yes,it does'nt have any viruses)

SISSINGER download link:

HelloOx2 download link:

now,just intall or extract it to some folder or desktop.

after that don't touch them for now.

go to google and search for the 'installserver for your phone' for ex 5800 for s60v5 and n79 for s60v3

transfer this installserver to e/patches

now go to this following link,(and even this site is perfectly safe and it works perfectly)

OPDA link:

it would be in japenese/chinese/korean or what ever but it simply works great!

after opening the website,there would be a register option in the top right section(register is free,fast and does'nt recquire you to confirm and all -just register and start)and then after signing in,press apply cer button on the top right.

Now in model-put your model(ex-N81;E63);put your IMEI no.(in nokia phones,press *#06# to show your IMEI no.);and then just write a remark (for ex: ash's e63) Now push the apply button and you're ready to go.

You'll recieve the certificates in 8-24hrs

after that just login in the website and the .cer & .key file will them into the same folder as sissigner and helloox2.Now,follow carefully,

open sissigner,and don't get angry it works completely!

in the first option,press the browse button(...) and browse to select the .key file that you saved

similarly,browse and select the .cer file

in the third bland just write-12345678

and in the fourth blank,browse and select the helloox2 file

now just press the ???.???? button(on the right side) and then press any button(enter) and dont worry its harmless
And now press the button on the left side and then again press any button
now just follow:
1.Install helloox2 (it took about 20s-2min)
2.Restart your phone (reboot)
3.Choosing: open4all(functions-patch-apply)
4. Choosing: Installserver(funkctions-patch-apply), again (functions-patch-add to auto)
5. Choosing: open4all(functions-patch-apply) and turn off the program (functions-patch-disable)
6. Restart you phone (Reboot)


Sunday, November 15, 2009

After a lot of research nd surfing th internet i was able to get n-gage work on my E63 and my friends E71(as both of them have a s60 v3.1 ui os 9.2) in full screen mode(320x240).

1.firstly you need to have your phone hacked.

it is quite easy and wouldnt harm your phone at all.actually hacking a phone just means to make your phone download "unsigned applications" or viewing some hidden files in your phone(you should download x-plore first).

there are many ways of hacking a symbian but the easiest of them is "hello carbide".

see my another post on hacking e63/e71 from the following link and listen carefully:

  • Install the file "N-Gage v1.40 (1557) s60v3.sis". It will install many files and stuff... you just have to keep pressing the "continue" option until it installs all the stuff.

  • Open the file: "N-GAGE SERIE E.rar" and extract its content to any directory. You'll have 3 files: 10202be9.rar, 20001079.txt and playcommon.mbm.

  • Extract the contents of "10202be9.rar", it will decompress a folder with the same name, then you'll have to copy all the files contained in that folder to the following location in your phone: "c:/private/10202BE9" (use X-plore to copy the files). X-plore will ask for permission to overwrite some files, just hit yes to overwrite the files.

  • Copy the file "20001079.txt" (located in N-GAGE SERIE E.rar) to the same location in your phone (c:/private/10202BE9).

  • Copy the file "playcommon.mbm" (located in N-GAGE SERIE E.rar) to the following location in your phone: "c:/resourcer/apps" and overwrite the existing file if it asks.

  • Install the "N-Gage.Fixes.sis" file to correct some issues with some games
Its done!!just restart your phone,to download free n-gage games, visit:

Here are some actual screenshots of n-gage working on my e63:

Thank you for viewing my post
please subscribe if it helps you
i'll be coming up with more for sure